Katartizo Kids is the name of our ministry for the kids of Grace Baptist Church from pre K to 5th grade
Katartizo is a Greek word meaning "to equip" and that is what we seek to do to equip kids to have a solid foundation in Christ. We do this by equipping parents as well to lead and teach their kids. We want kids to come to know the Bible and in that see God, and grow up with a SOLID foundation. We want families to be grown and strengthened by faith in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Mornings
9:30-Sunday School
K-2nd- led by our Children's Director Dianna Distel
3rd- 5th Grade- led by Ms. Brenda Eisenhower
We use Answers in Genesis curriculum for our children's Sunday School classes as well as our Children's Church. We believe that the most important first step is to ensure that our kids have the basic foundation for what God's Word says and believe that the proper foundation is found in the book of Genesis.
@ 6pm- This time is led currently by Kari Bottoms and Kate Focht. Kids in K-5th grade meet for a time of study and a mix of some activities, and music to engage and reinforce the lessons learned.
This year we are starting a new curriculum: Generations of Grace in which children are led through the narrative of Scripture, from Genesis through Revelation, outlining God’s redemptive plan. Each year the curriculum covers a different part of Scripture. For more information visit : https://gracecurriculum.org/pages/about-generations-of-grace
We also hold various children outreaches throughout the year to
learn more about ministry, missions and their faith.
VBS 2022 (Vacation Bible school)
Answers: Zoomerang!!: Sanctity of Life VBS
Katartizo Kids
Katartizo Kids